Configuring Apache, PHP and MySql in SOlaris 10

I spent my whole week trying how to use file-sharing application such as Oliver webshare, PHP file mahager and bfExplorer. Those application are based on PHP (and MySql on bfExplorer) My box has apache2 in it. At the first time i thought Apache2 is enough to run those applications. But then I realized, THOSE APPLICATIONS ARE BASED ON PHP :D
Not just Apache, but also I need to install PHP on it (MySQL is just a bonus :D) Lots of tutorial on how-to configure PHP on Solaris, but these time I'm gonna use a package called coolstack or you can get it here

First, login into your Solaris box as root
1. Connecting to
Connection established.
Escape character is '^@]'.
login: root
Last login: Wed Nov 4 12:35:45 from
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
You have mail.
Sourcing //.profile-EIS.....
root@u10 #

2. Install the Coolstack package. CSKruntime first.
root@u10 # bunzip CSKruntime_1.3.1_i386.pkg.bz2
root@u10 # pkgadd -d CSKruntime_1.3.1_i386.pkg

3. Install the CSKamp package.
root@u10 # bunzip CSKamp_1.3.1_i386.pkg.bz2
root@u10 # pkgadd -d CSKamp_1.3.1_i386.pkg

4. Once the installation is completed, we can start to configure.
Let's begin with the APACHE

> The root document is located at /opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs
> The configuration file, binary, lib and so on are located at /opt/coolstack/apache2
> At first, there is no file such httpd.conf, what exists is httpd.conf-example
> Rename the file to http.conf
> You can customize the configuration file at /etc/coolstack/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
> Start it

root@u10 # svcadm enable apache22

> Check the service

root@u10 # svcs | grep apache22
online 10:34:47 svc:/network/http:apache22-csk

> Open your browser, go to http://your-solaris-box

Now, configuring MySql
> Export the PATH

root@u10 # export PATH=/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin:$PATH

> Install the database and create the user and the group

root@u10 # /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql_install_db

root@u10 # groupadd mysql

root@u10 # useradd -c “MySQL Server” -g mysql mysql

> Change the owner of the directory

root@u10 # chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit

root@u10 # cp /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/share/mysql/my-large.cnf /etc/my.cnf

> Run it

root@u10 # /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysqld_safe &

> Check the service

root@u10 # ps -ef | grep mysql
root 8530 15420 0 13:23:53 pts/2 0:00 grep mysql

mysql 7341 7270 1 13:23:10 pts/3 0:01 /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysqld --basedir=/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit --da

root 7270 23464 0 13:23:09 pts/3 0:00 /bin/sh /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysqld_safe

> Set the root password for MySql

root@u10 # /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit
/bin/mysqladmin -u root password ‘yourpassword’

> Try to login into the MySql

root@u10 # /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.1.25-rc-standard-log Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


> Try to create a database

mysql> create database mydata;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec)

mysql> quit

Finally, the PHP5

> PHP5 automatically installed by the CSKampx.x.x
> the directory is located at /opt/coolstack/php5

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